
Space is Not My Friend

Space is Not My Friend

I have only been in the wheelchair for a couple of years, but it seems longer. I am grateful that I did not require it before I entered my 80s and admire those who have learned to live and thrive with their chairs.

I do try to wall-walk whenever possible in my apartment. My son installed handrails everywhere, so it is fairly safe. I say fairly as I still have managed to fall several times, and, although I have bruises to show for it, fortunately, I have no serious injuries.

My children still worry about my health and possible falls, but I have to do as much as I can to feel a sense of normality and independence.

I recently had my desk and computer returned to the living room to avoid the trip down the hallway. It isn’t far, but there is an open doorway with no handrails, which is where I fell last week.

The living room is now very crowded. There is a two-seater recliner, my desk and chair, the TV stand, two bookcases, the cat house, and an armchair. Someone suggested that I remove the chair, but, as I said, space is not my friend. I use the chair for support to help me walk to the balcony sliding door.

Which is where this story starts.

To reduce the Winter doldrums, I started a small garden on the balcony of my 26th floor apartment.

I had several plants situated at arm’s reach from the chair at the doorway, so I could water and tend them, as required. But I wanted more! I had hundreds of flowers and vegetables on my balcony when we had the condominium and enjoyed looking after and talking to each and every one of the plants.

If I added plants, obviously I would not be able to care for them from my inside position. So, experimentation was required.

There is a large stoop at the balcony doors. I kept practicing lifting my feet to step over it and eventually could do so holding on to the door handle and reaching the balcony railing. It was a slow process, but now that I was outside there would be no restriction on the number and location of my little green friends.

I arranged the pots in the centre of the balcony so that I could hold the handrail and walk completely, and safely, to water and prune them as required.

Unfortunately, the sun didn’t cooperate. Only the outside half of the balcony provided enough sunlight for them. So, I rearranged the plants again, this time with longer rows. It still allows me to hold on while watering, so all is well. Except for the wind and rain!

We experienced major storms in the past few weeks and the tall tomato plant kept blowing over. A triangle of other large pots seems to have held it in place recently.

Unfortunately, I used my old indoor pots for the two pepper plants and with all the rain I regret to announce they succumbed to water damage.

All in all, it has been a wonderful distraction. Although I love city living, it is nice to look out and see my green garden.

By the way, I don’t think bees don’t fly this high without greater incentive than a few vegetables in flower. I am growing wildflowers and coneflowers to invite them up. We’ll see if it helps!

This Month’s Featured Author

Joan Alexander