
Keep Them Safe

Keep Them Safe

So many foods are harmful to our cats that we have to exercise extreme vigilance to keep these items out of their reach. The consequences could be deadly. Please, don’t leave any of these items unattended.

Alcohol – even a single spoonful – can cause brain and liver damage, coma and eventually lead to the death of your cat. 

Chocolate – contains caffeine and theobromine, a substance which can cause heart problems, muscle tremors or seizures.

Fish – has an enzyme that can lower a cat’s level of the B vitamin, thiamine; convulsions and coma can occur.

Fruits and vegetables – avocado and raisins.

Liver – if consumed regularly, can produce vitamin A toxicity which can result in deformed bones and even death.

Milk products – Cats are lactose intolerant.

Raw meat – can contain bacteria that cause food poison.

Tuna – not prepared specifically for cats can produce malnutrition and mercury poisoning.



This Month’s Featured Author

Joan Alexander