
Five Really Cool ‘Cat Facts’ — Just for Fun!

Fun Cat Facts

Five Really Cool ‘Cat Facts’ — Just for Fun!

Dr Marty Goldberg writes in his newsletter:

As a veterinarian, I take my work very seriously. After all, helping animals isn’t just a job — it’s my passion.

But I’ll let you in on a little secret…When I’m OFF the clock, I’m no different than any other pet lover. 
That’s right, I watch funny pet videos, collect animal-themed coffee mugs, and keep framed photos of my fur babies all over the house… just like everyone else!


So today, I thought I’d take a break from the “serious stuff”… and share five really cool ‘cat facts’ with you – just for fun!

#1. Abraham Lincoln was definitely a ‘cat person:’

He once even famously proclaimed that his cat Dixie — one of two he kept in the White House — was smarter than his “whole cabinet.” 

He didn’t mean it literally, of course… but I think we all have days when we’d rather deal with cats than people

#2. When cats jump (or fall) from high places, they shape their body like a parachute to slow their descent.

That’s why they often walk away from major tumbles relatively unscatched, and have such a good track record of landing on their feet.

(But please don’t set your kitty up for a fall just to see them do this!)

#3. Most male cat’s are left-pawed, while most female cats are right-pawed. Though, just like humans, some cats are ambidextrous.

(Can you tell if your cat is a righty or a lefty? Watch them for a bit to see if you can spot their “dominant” paw!)

#4. Did you know that cats are the most common four-legged pet in the U.S? It’s true. According to the latest data, they now rank just slightly ahead of dogs!

But while being a cat owner may not be the most exclusive club to be part of, it’s certainly a healthy one: studies show that having a cat may reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke by up to a third.


Oh, and the “cat lady” stereotype? It’s hogwash — a 2017 survey found that the MAJORITY of cat people in the U.K are now male!

(Yes, I know that was more like 3 facts… but I just couldn’t resist!)

#5. Cats are basically furry little machines. They purr at the same frequency as an idling diesel engine, and can run at speeds of up to 30 mph (for comparison, the world’s fastest human, Usain Bolt, has a record speed of 27.8 mph).

Pretty cool, right?

Honestly, cat facts are just so darn fun, I could keep going for hours… but I’ll leave you with these for now.

Dr. Marty

P.S. Did you know that a group of cats is called a ‘clowder’? If not, you do now.)

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