
The Litter Box Pop Quiz

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The Litter Box Pop Quiz

Everyone has questions and opinions about the basic litter box.

As a fun way to test your knowledge, here is a simple “Litter Box Pop Quiz” for you. (Don’t worry, there are a few handy tips in there, as well.)

Are you ready? Here we go!

#1: Your cat will instinctively use a litter box. True or False?

TRUE. Felines instinctively “go” in loose dirt or sand. Then, they bury their waste to hide the scent from predators. This is why litter boxes are filled with sand-like materials.

But putting the right stuff inside doesn’t always guarantee that your cat will use it. You see, your kitty also needs to feel safe.

So, I suggest placing your cat’s litter box in a calm, secluded area of your home — away from foot traffic and loud noises. That way your kitty can enjoy some peace and quiet while they do their business.

#2: All Cats Prefer a Covered Litter Box for More Privacy. True or false?

FALSE. Some cats prefer their bathroom to be al fresco, with an open litter box. This can be for many reasons…

They might like to keep an eye out for danger while they’re in a vulnerable spot, or maybe they don’t want to be boxed in with stinky odours. So if it seems like your cat doesn’t use the litter box as often as it should, or “goes” elsewhere, try removing the top (if you have one.)

#3: You don’t need to wash the litter box if you scoop it every day. True or false?

FALSE. You should scoop regularly AND periodically wash the entire box.

I recommend dumping and disinfecting the entire litter box with hot water and soap every two weeks or so (and more often if you have multiple cats.)

Keeping their potty area nice and fresh makes your cat happier and discourages them from finding other “bathrooms” in your home. Plus, it can help cut down on bad odours in your home. And that’s something you can BOTH appreciate.

#4: True or false? Your cat likes scented litter.

Definitely FALSE. Those strong “odour masking” scents are for human noses, not felines.

To your cat’s powerful sniffer, these scents are just another layer of odour on TOP of bathroom smells.

Instead, choose an unscented litter. This helps absorb and trap bad smells without adding any strong scents to the mix. That way, your cat can do their business without being overwhelmed by artificial scents.

And you can enjoy reduced litter box odours of all kinds.

Tip: Before you add the litter to your kitty’s box, pour about a ¼ inch of baking soda over the bottom of the container. The baking soda will help absorb and neutralize odours.

Thanks to Dr Marty Goldstein, DVM, Newsletter June 2020

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Joan Alexander