
Special Thanks

Special Thanks

To Joan Alexander, Guest Author

Joan, it has been such a pleasure working with you for the past several weeks. I was proud to highlight your writings on my three websites and on a public format on my Facebook page. 

My sites are better for your input and I am more inspired to do some writing myself. If you enjoyed the process as much as I did, it was surely a win-win. Thank you for sharing your memories with us.

I have compiled the posts in a small document so you will have a copy of the over 20 articles you forwarded to me so far. As you will see, I forgot to enclose a covering letter. I guess this is it.

I hope you will share this first collection with your family and friends as I know they would enjoy it as much as I did. I would be happy to send copies if you provide me with names and addresses.

I hope this is not the end of our collaboration. I will gladly publish any stories you send but I don’t want to continue putting pressure on you. 

Our exchange of emails and phone conversations is one of the great treasures of my life. Even there, your vivid descriptions are a joy to read. Perhaps someday you will let me publish them.

Please keep writing.


This Month’s Featured Author

Joan Alexander